Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Three's company

On December 5th I went to my regular weekly check-up feeling frustrated, tired, and sore from contracting on and off all night long.  Dr. Johnson told me I was 3cm's dilated and about 90% effaced. He told me to get ready, it would be with in the week!  We called Mark's mother and she started to Alabama that very night. Tuesday was uneventful. We went for a walk but, it was no help.....that night. Wednesday morning I woke up at 7 a.m. to my first contraction, another at 7:06, 7:12, 7:18, and finally at 7:30 I told Mark we needed to head to St. Vincents. When I got to the hospital I was dilated to a four and the doctor said it was time!

He was definitely my longest pregnancy, and longest labor but, gosh he was worth it. Dr. Johnson laid him on my chest and I fell in love. The only other man I will love other than my husband for the rest of my life.

After delivery the nurses noticed he was breathing a little faster than most babies should.  They said he had swallowed a lot of fluid but, they hoped in a few hours he would work it out on his own and be fine.  I never thought it would be an issue. Thursday morning came and my nurse said West's glucose was low, which meant he was burning a lot fuel to keep up with breathing. It was time for the NICU. The NICU will humble you in a second.  When we went I was feeling sorry for myself. I knew West would be fine, it was never IF he would come home just WHEN. I remember sitting in the NICU tears running down my face and looking directly to my right. There in an incubator was a tiny 2 lb baby named Caraleigh. One day later there were triplets that were born at 23 weeks gestation, they soon turned to twins. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he put me in that situation. He knew I needed to be grateful for what I had and not questioning why this was happening to us. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. As terrible as it was to see my son hooked up to monitors and having an IV, I am thankful for that NICU. I am thankful for nurses, doctors, and 2 lb babies named Caraleigh.

Proud Dr. Johnson

2nd day in the NICU

The first moment I saw him (excuse the way I look, I DID just give birth)

Holding West in the NICU

West is now fine. He was only in the NICU for four days. At his two week check up he had already gained a pound! He obviously is eating and now breathing just fine. We are truly blessed to have our family, all at home and safe and sound.